Report manager

Reports provide a flexible interface to the external report engine, Crystal Reports. Reports are used to print formatted data from the database, for example a Purchase Order, Sales invoice or Picking Ticket. All reports defined in the system reference a Crystal Report (.rpt) file.

Each report is associated with a function and can be specified as the default report for that function. Some functions ask if printing is required and, if so, print the appropriate default report for that function.

The Reports subsystem allows you to define a dialog box to enter parameters and filters to limit the data generated by the report.

If reports have been added or removed, or existing reports modified with the report manager, then when the report manager is closed you will be prompted as to whether or not you would like to update the environment of all current users. Clicking Yes will cause the report menus for all users currently logged into the relevant database to be refreshed, meaning all changes will be automatically reflected in their menus.

Last edit 01/02/23